Little Family Secrets is based on the true story of Ruth Neslund, the notorious Pacific Northwest murderer. In the summer of 1980, Ruth shot her husband Rolf Neslund, chopped him into pieces with a butcher knife, and burned his remains in a barrel.
The story is told through the eyes of a seven-year-old child, Cindy, who is closely involved with the events leading up to Rolf's murder. Cindy's turbulent relationship with her troubled aunt casts a shadow over her life at school, her relationships with her neighborhood friends and family, and makes her a potential murder victim herself, when she inadvertently witnesses Ruth's first abortive attempt to kill Rolf. Little Family Secrets is a chilling tale told in a terrifying, dark, and unexpectedly funny way. |
Helping earthbound spirits cross into The Light is all in a day's work for ghost whisperer Melinda Gordon. But now a ghost claiming to be the Egyptian God Osiris will stop at nothing to create eternal darkness for Melinda and the haunted spirits who so desperately need her special gift.